Please find the definitions for the related service items as follows.
Bandwidth: This is the amount of data that can be transferred between Chinafy, namely the content delivery network (CDN) components of the Chinafy service, to a user in a given period of time.
Usage: Chinafy usage is calculated on a per GB basis. Usage varies depending on a variety of factors including total traffic, file type, file size and more.
Every Chinafy plan includes a specified amount of CDN bandwidth usage per month.
Overage: Overage is defined as the amount of consumed bandwidth above your plan’s included bandwidth.
Overage is billed at $1 per GB.
Storage: Defined as the storage of files and data. This is generally at the content delivery network (CDN) level, and a process that involves caching content closer to end users and their ISPs. Unless specified, this storage is temporary at the network edge and makes it possible to reduce latency.
Storage is not charged by Chinafy unless otherwise specified, or as part of charges when a user is in breach of the Chinafy Acceptable Use policy.
Throughput: Throughput refers to the amount of data that is able to be transmitted and received during a specific time period. By default, Chinafy does not charge for different throughput levels. Unless you require or request specific throughput levels, this is not a billable item nor related to your Chinafy plan tier.
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